Acceptable Use Policy

Terms and Conditions

The College is firmly committed to the proper and responsible use of the Internet by its staff  and students and, to this end, requires acceptance of and strict adherence to terms and conditions of this Policy. Students are advised that their use of the internet may be monitored.

Acceptable Use

A student may access the Internet for legitimate educational purposes only including, by way of example only, any of the following:

(a) research assigned classroom projects.
(b) use the Internet for legitimate research and communication as directed by your teacher (. Ie e-mail)
(c) print information on College library printers   (AT 10c per page)

Note: Inform your teacher immediately if any inappropriate image, text or website is displayed.

Unacceptable Use

A student must not access the Internet for any purpose or material which is unlawful, dangerous, unacceptable, pornographic, objectionable or offensive. In particular, and by way of example only, a student must not access or use the Internet for any of the following reasons or in any way of the following ways.

(a) send or obtain message, pictures or files which contain words, language or descriptions which are indecent, vulgar, blasphemous, irreverent, impolite or defamatory.
(b) play computer games at any time or visit chat rooms that are of non-educational nature.
(c) access or send e-mail, download any software program, game, music or video files unless authorized to do so.
(d) post personal communications or post anonymous messages.
(e) sell or buy or otherwise obtain goods or services.
(f) gain unlawful access to or interfere with someone else’s computer system.

At all times during an Internet connection, a student must act with honesty, integrity and respect for the rights and sensitivities of others (including other users of the Internet) and in accordance with the general expectations of the College in relation to matters such as good manners, etiquette and responsible behaviour.

Cyber Safety at Oakhill College



Oakhill College is committed to promoting and providing a supportive learning and teaching environment for all it members, in accordance with Gospel values and the National Safe Schools(Framewok) This document has been designed with a special focus on student well-being and safety.

“The internet is the pervasive cultural influence of our time. It will continue to grow and evolve at a dizzying rate and the possibilities which this evolution will bring to us, as individuals, families and church are as yet undreamt of. We should not be afraid to embrace those opportunities wholeheartedly. But there are dangers on the Internet which can affect the physical, spiritual and emotional safety and well-being of both children and adults.” (Australian Catholic Bishops 2008)

The following guiding principles underpin this document.

Australian school including Oakhill College:

·         Affirm the right of all school community members to feel safe at school;
·        Implement policies, programmes and processes to nurture a safe and supportive school environment;
·         Focus on policies that are proactive and oriented towards prevention and intervention;
·         Take action to protect children from all forms of abuse and neglect;

Other supporting documents:

·         Oakhill College Bullying and Harassment Policy;
·         Rights and Responsibilities at Oakhill College;
·         National Framework for Values Education in Australian Schools;
·         Oakhill College Acceptable Use Policy;
·         Internet Safety – a Pastoral letter from the Catholic Bishops of Australia (2008).

The College will endeavour to address to address cyber safety issues with students through ongoing educational programs.



Important terms used in this document:

(a) The abbreviation ‘ICT’ in this document refers to term ‘Information and Communication Technologies’
(b) ‘Cybersafety’ refers to the safe use of the Internet and ICT equipment/devices, including mobile phones
(c) ‘School  ICT’ refers to the school’s computer network, Internet access facilities, computers, and other school ICT equipment/devices as outlined in (d) below
(d) The term ‘ICT equipment/devices’ used in this document, includes but is not limited to, computers (such as tablets, PEDslaptops, PDAs), storage devices (such as USB and flash memory devices, CDs, DVDs, floppy disks, iPods, MP3 players), cameras (such as video, digital, webcams), all types of mobile phones, gaming consoles, video and audio players/receivers (such as portable CD and DVD players), and any other similar, technologies as they come into use
(e) ‘Objectionable’ in this agreement means material that deals with matter such as sex, cruelty, or violence in such a manner that it is likely to be injurious to the good of students or incompatible with a school environment. Pornography is an example of ‘objectionable material’ and so is any other material that is likely to offend accepted standards of decency, morality and propriety.

Use of any ICT equipment must be in compliance with the Oakhill College safe schools rules.

School Cyber Safety Rules:

While at school or engaged in any school-related activity;

1. I will not have any involvement with any ICT material or activity which might put myself or anyone else at risk.
2. I will not at any time use ICT (on or off campus) to bully, upset, offend, harass, threaten, tell lies about, impersonate or in any way harm anyone connected to the school itself, even if it is meant as a joke.
3. I will not:
·         Access, or attempt to access, inappropriate, age restricted, or objectionable material
·         Download, save or distribute such material by copying, storing, printing or showing it to other people
·         Make any attempt to get around or bypass security, monitoring and filtering that is in place at school.

4. I will not give out any personal information (including photos) online about myself or any other person. Personal information includes name, address, email address, phone numbers, passwords and photos.
5. I will not record unauthorized sounds, videos or images or upload, publish or otherwise electronically transmit any such unauthorized materials to the internet or elsewhere.
6. If I accidentally access inappropriate material, I will:

·         Not show others
·         Turn off the screen or minimize the window and
·         Report the incident to a teacher immediately.

Understandings and Undertaking:

1. I understand and accept that these rules apply also to any privately owned ICT equipment or device (such as a laptop, mobile phone, USB drive) I bring to school or a school related activity. Any images or material on such equipment/devices must be appropriate to the school environment.

2. I understand and accept that if I break these rules, the school may inform my parents(s). In serious cases the school may take disciplinary action against me, including suspending or revoking my privilege to use any ICT equipment or device or to participate in any ICT activity at school. If illegal material or activities are involved, it may be necessary for the school to inform the police.

3. I understand and accept that personal ICT devices may be confiscated and accessed by teachers if it is believed that there has been a breach of school rules, threat to school security systems or risk of harm to anyone in the school community.

4. I understand and accept that the school may monitor and record my use of the Internet, e-mail and computer equipment, including privately owned equipment, while at school.

Deo Duce
