KB0050 – Marking a Class Roll (Attendance PxP)

1. Login to the school network with your username and password.

2. Open a browser and go to the Sentral homepage (https://sentral.oakhill.nsw.edu.au)

3. Click on the Sentral Attendance PxP icon.

Attendance PxP icon

(Note: if this icon is not already a shortcut for you, click on the blue Sentral navigation icon (top left of window) and then click on the Attendance icon from there).

Sentral Sentral-Attendance pxpd

4. If prompted to login again, enter your username and password in the Sentral login window and perform step 3.

5. The ‘Timetable Search‘ page opens, as shown below. Click on the ‘Teacher’s‘ tab, then enter a few characters of your surname in the white box immediately below that tab then, when your name shows up, click on it

Sentral timetable search

6. In your timetable, click on the class whose roll you want to mark, making sure you have selected the right day. In the example below, the teacher  is marking the roll for her Year 10 English class (10ENG9) in Period 2 on Wednesday 05/11.

Sentral select class

7. A window opens with your class roll. By default, all students are marked ‘Present’ … that’s what the little green dots in the “Class Attendance Report‘ column of your class roll represent (see example below)

Sentral - pxp roll

8. To change the attendance status of a student, click on the green dot for that student and then select from the alternative status options given to you (Absent, Late Arrival, Early Leaver) and then click ‘OK

Sentral Absence reasons


a) the default option is ‘Absent‘. In order to view and select ‘Late Arrival‘ or ‘Early Leaver‘ you will need to click on the dropdown arrow next to ‘Absent‘.

b) for ‘Late Arrival‘ and ‘Early Leaver‘ you will be prompted to add the number of minutes the student was late for class or early to leave.

9. When you have finished marking the roll click the ‘Submit‘ button at the bottom of the period column. Your roll-marking is not complete until you actually submit the roll by taking this step.

Sentral Attendance PxP Submit button


10. After submitting the roll, a green tick and a closed padlock will appear at the top of the class roll signifying that you have successfully completed the task.

Sentral Attendance PxP padlock


11. To make any required amendments to the roll (eg to change the status of a latecomer from ‘Absent‘ to ‘Late Arrival‘), click on the locked padlock, make the change, then click on the padlock again to lock it.

12. At the top-right of the class roll window there is a blue ‘Print‘ button. You can click on it to get a hardcopy or text file (in pdf format) of a roll sheet or, even, a historical roll for the class. The roll sheet is the equivalent of a paper roll (students’ names in a blank grid). The historical roll is a record of all the rolls marked for the class from the start of the year to the date of printing.

Sentral Attendance pxp Print Roll


Should you have any issues with this, please email the ICT Helpdesk by using the following link: Email the Helpdesk

