KB0057 – Accessing a Student Timetable on a PC

Access a student’s timetable through General Access (TimeTabler)

General Access is a software module and resides in the staff server at the location

\\oakfs-staffserver\staff applications\Timetable\General Access\GeneralAccess.exe.

For PC’s a shortcut for it should appear on a teacher’s desktop with a name like ‘Timetabler’

General Access can only be used on the campus. It will not work away from the school’s network.

  • Login to the network
  • Locate the General Access (‘Timetables’) shortcut on the desktop and double-click it
  • Click ‘Student Timetables’ button
  • C:\Users\vin\Pictures\Student Timeatbles selection.jpeg
  • In the search box, type a few letters of the student’s surname
  • C:\Users\vin\Pictures\GA Student search.jpeg
  • Find the student’s name in the search list and double-click on it. The student’s timetable will now appear.

Should you have any issues with this, please email the ICT Helpdesk by using the following link: Email the Helpdesk
