NOTE: The password reset will affect ALL services at the school if done on a School Windows Laptop
This article will lead you through the most effective means to deal with common scenarios relating to your password.
I have Forgotten my password
If you have forgotten your login password you will need the assistance of the IT HelpDesk staff. Please go to the HelpDesk and one of the technicians will help you with creating a new login password.
I would like to change my password
If you still remember your password but would like to change it to something new, perform the steps below. Please note that you will need a PC for these steps so if you have a Mac or any other non-Windows machine you will need to go to the Library and use one of the PCs in there.
1. Login to a PC using your current credentials (ie your current school username and password).
2. At the keyboard, hold down the ‘CTRL‘ & ‘Alt‘ keys and then, while still holding down those two keys, press the ‘Delete‘ key (CTRl+Alt+Delete). A window like the one shown below will open
3. From the options in this window, click the one that says ‘Change a Password’.
4. Enter the required information in the boxes of the window that opens next (see screenshot below)
- in the “Old password‘ box, enter your old password (which, of course, is your current password)
- in the ‘New password‘ box enter the new password you want to use
- in the ‘Confirm password’ box enter your new password again to verify the change you want to make
- Click the arrow next to the ‘Confirm password’ box to complete the process
4. You will now get confirmation of your change of password as per the screen below.
5. Click ‘OK‘ and you can start logging in to the network with your new password..
Should you have any issues with this, please email the ICT Helpdesk by using the following link: Email the Helpdesk