This Guide will lead you through the process of How to Mirror your Mac Display when connected to an External Display.
1. You will use the ‘Airplay’ menu option to adjust your display setup when connected to a projector in the classroom. You should see the little ‘Airplay’ icon on the top menu bar, like the screenshot below. If this option is not visible, please continue with step 2, or skip to step 5.
2. Locate the ‘System Preferences’ icon from the dock (‘Cog’ icon) or choose the ‘Apple’ symbol from the menu bar and select ‘System Preferences’ from the list of available options.
3. When the System Preferences window opens, locate and select the “Displays” icon. See screenshot below.
4. Ensure the ‘Show mirroring options in the menu bar when available’ checkbox is ticked to enable visibility of the Airplay icon in the top menu bar.
5. When clicking on the ‘Airplay‘ menu, you will notice a few different options. Select the second “Mirror” setting. This option will allow a user to display all content from the laptop directly onto the projector.
Should you have any issues with this, please email the ICT Helpdesk by using the following link: Email the Helpdesk